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3 Reasons To Hire A Small Business Consultant

Your small business is alive and well, providing enough for you and your family. What’s next? The most natural question that will come to your head is how to grow your business to the next level. However, we should remember that scaling or expansion is not an easy task. In fact, overexpansion is known to be one of the most common (and dangerous) reasons of small business failures. As tempting as the opportunity to scale and expand a business is, when not managed carefully, it is doomed to fail. Why is overexpansion so dangerous? Here are a few notable points …

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2017 Marketing Trends for Small Businesses

Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to marketing your small business? Tune in for our round up of 2017’s best small business marketing trends to beef up your marketing game and get your small business out there for the world to see. Settling on a marketing method with a limited budget and resources is as easy as finding out what the strategies are and choosing the best one to suit your priorities and your business. Here we go! Here are 2017’s best ways to go about small business marketing: Blogging – The effects of blogging are undeniable, …

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374 Tactics to Grow Your Revenues (or The Master List of Marketing & Sales Tactics)

There are only two ways to grow your revenues: 1) Get more clients 2) Get clients to spend more money more often However because there are over 500 tactics that can be put together in so many ways, there are an almost infinite number of paths to get more clients and get them to spend more money more often. Here is the best list you will find that gathers these tactics together! Tons of Tactics Summary of categories: Branding Business Development Content Marketing Digital Advertising Internet Marketing – Additional Miscellaneous & Direct Marketing Personal Sales Public Relations Traditional Advertising Branding  Authenticity Believability …

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How-to Scale Up Your Business Better in 1 Hour With This Top Tested Tool

By Ami Mariscal, Prosperity & Happiness Producer Updated May 21, 2017 You are probably thinking about adding new income streams all the time. The business model canvas helps you develop new income streams. It works like this… When you are creating a new income stream, you are most likely creating a new business model. A new business model is basically a system that is not working yet. In other words, you are making a bunch of assumptions and in order for the business model to work you’ll want to eliminate the risky assumptions and get all of the pieces of …

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Get World Class Mentorship Reading These Top Books for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

By Ami Mariscal Updated June, 2016 If you’re a small business owner and you haven’t read through some books that have been written to help you succeed, you’re like a marathon runner who hasn’t trained to compete on the big day! Success doesn’t just happen to people, it’s a skill that is developed and honed over time. Whether you’re ultra-successful or not quite there yet, reading up on the literature that helps perfect the skills that create success is something that should have been on your to-do list yesterday! Part of keeping your brain healthy for success means reading all …

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Discover The Top Tools & Resources To Create Your Ultimate Marketing System

As a small business owner, you know technology moves fast. When it comes to resources that can help your small business be successful, the truth is the same. If you’re ready to scale up your profit this list is designed for you! Ami Mariscal, the Founder of Lift Your Business has gathered all the best tools and resources into one place for your viewing pleasure. This is a growing list of the best tools and resources for entrepreneurs to create their ultimate prosperity system. Some of these resources will be just what you were looking for. Many of these tools & resources will be …