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Top Books on Story and Storytelling

By Ami Mariscal Last Updated May 10, 2017 The Story Factor Annette Simmons 2006 Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins: How to Use Your Own Stories to Communicate with Power and Impact Annette Simmons 2015 The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles Steven Pressfield 2012 Rising Strong BrenĂ© Brown 2015 Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling Andy Crouch 2013 Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration Ed Catmull 2014 The Idea Writers: Copywriting in a New Media and Marketing Era Teressa Iezzi 2010 Positive Psychology at …

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Best Books on Happiness – Positivity, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning & Achievement

by Ami Mariscal Last updated April 22, 2017 I’ve read these books and would be happy to answer questions you have about any of them via the comments below. I would also love to co-write blog posts for my blog, or write articles about them for other media orgs. If you’re interested write to me via my contact page 🙂 The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are Published on : 2010 by BrenĂ© Brown Rising Strong Published on : 2015 by BrenĂ© Brown Grit: The Power of Passion …

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The Top 2 Ways to Achieve Long Term Happiness with Your Work

You’re going to spend most of your life working, so you may as well do something that makes you happy. Positive Psychologists and top motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins and Steven Covey agree that using your strengths, and making meaningful contributions with your work, result in long term gains in your happiness portfolio. Think about your greatest projects, accomplishments, and jobs. In other words, think about achievements that you consider great successes and continue to make you happy whenever you think about them. If you have a minute, jot a few down. Now, think about what made each of those …

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Talk About Your Company Ideals and Win Big

No one wants to receive product advertisements from the same company 5 days a week. However, people will gladly receive and even share content that’s about hi-level values and ideals. Top performing brands are built on ideals that transcend products and services. And that doesn’t mean you have to change your business model and become a benefit corp. It simply means focusing your marketing message on things that more people want to connect with. Brands built on ideals are 390.2% more valuable than the average S&P 500 brand.* *Source: “Jim Stengel conducted a ten-year growth study of more than …

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5 Ways to Increase Productivity and Business Growth by Employee Happiness

The vision of any entrepreneur is to establish a business that thrives. Ranked fourth among forty major regions across the U.S., Los Angeles is a hot bed for startup activity. However, indiscriminate of the duration a business has been in operation, it needs to have a strong and healthy work force. For this reason, successful businesses have organizational capability to support critical business objectives by: 1. Attracting and retaining talent through strong brand reputation Everyone enjoys identifying with good things; therefore, a good reputation should be of great concern. For strategies in building a brand, it is wise to engage …