Creativity Exploration with Ami, Kelsey and Friends


Creativity Exploration with Ami, Kelsey and Friends

In by admin

1. Creativity, what is it and what do you believe about it?

2. What gets in the way of creativity?

3. How can we all have more creativity in our own lives?

4. What can we do to make a better future where people use creativity successfully more often?


Here are the details to join the conversation on creativity:

Come to the live event! Here are the details on the event page on Facebook.

Please feel free to join the conversation all during the month of June on our Love Community Group Facebook Page:

You will also be able to view the event live from your home via our FB page.

I hope to talk to you about creativity this month either online or in real life!

Please use the buttons below to share the sweet blessings of this event with someone you know 🙂