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Don’t Let the Monsters Pull You Under – Create the Most Resilient Business Possible with Core Values

Revolutionize Your Business & Drive Leadership Mastery With Purpose & Values By Ami Mariscal Updated May 5, 2017 Written May 3, 2016 For thousands of years humans have been navigating the Earth using the stars. Though we are generally more in touch with our cell phones than compasses these days, most of us can still find the North Star. Thinking about your life’s purpose, or your current “why” as your North Star is a useful metaphor for so many good reasons I’m excited to share with you! And this metaphor serves as a fantastic framework for creating a business that …

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The Top 4 Business Growth Strategies for Small Businesses in 2016

What makes a business successful? This is something that I get asked all the time. This is the 2nd blog post in a series about business growth strategies for small business owners with big visions. In this blog post we’re sharing the top 4 business growth strategies for small business owners in 2016, but let’s quickly recap the biggest concerns and challenges SBOs face, because good business growth consulting addresses the biggest risks and often those come out as concerns. What are your top business growth challenges right now? In the 1st post of this series we talked about… The 4 Biggest …

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Ways a Small Business Can Scale to Profitability

You’ve got a great business starting up. It’s generating enough awareness, it attracts new customer every month, and the sales volume numbers look impressive. Yet, after you’ve done all the bookkeeping and calculations, the profits aren’t as big as you thought it would be. Ring a bell? Actually, this problem is common for many small businesses, and many entrepreneurs being too busy without generating a significant profit. How to improve this situation then? The answer is to get your business a healthy profitability and program it to scale continuously to achieve even better profits. Here are some of the ideas …

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You Don’t Have to Burn Out to Be Successful – Key Relationships to Put Your Business On Autopilot

You cannot scale up a business without building relationships. If your marketing system is a series of campaigns that work together to bring you leads and get more sales, then your prosperity system is a series of campaigns that also includes bringing you more relationships such as investors and team members. Here is a non-comprehensive list of some of the relationships you’ll want to build to scale up your business. Key Relationships to Scale Up Your Business – A Comprehensive List Clients / Buyers / Prospects  Users Payers Multi-sided Markets Internal Team  Interns An assistant Employees Outsourced Help   Accountant, …

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Get World Class Mentorship Reading These Top Books for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

By Ami Mariscal Updated June, 2016 If you’re a small business owner and you haven’t read through some books that have been written to help you succeed, you’re like a marathon runner who hasn’t trained to compete on the big day! Success doesn’t just happen to people, it’s a skill that is developed and honed over time. Whether you’re ultra-successful or not quite there yet, reading up on the literature that helps perfect the skills that create success is something that should have been on your to-do list yesterday! Part of keeping your brain healthy for success means reading all …