Attention Small Business Owners – Are you frustrated with cash flow problems and ready for a more systematized, sustainable approach to your sales and marketing?

Fast Track Your Profit Growth

with your customized profit now strategy & sales-process map

You’ve tried to get more leads…

You’ve read 20 books about business growth, you’ve taken online courses… But nothing seems to be taking like it does for “everyone else”. Actually “everyone else” is not as successful as you might be led to believe from the media.

Most of us have dreams of making millions when we start a business. But most entrepreneurs have heard the grim statistics on business-failure rates. What you don’t hear are the sorry stats behind “successful businesses”.

The average small business owner in the US makes less than $89k a year.

That’s not even enough to buy a home in many big cities. So if you’re not making millions yet, you are not alone. And this debacle is not you’re fault. As you probably know, our education system was designed in the industrial age in order to create workers, not entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are in a state of emergency that’s been going on way too long. In fact…


Only 39% of businesses are profitable
over the course of their lifetime.

When I found that out, I became obsessed with creating a revenue-growth solution accessible for people other than CEO’s at enterprise-level businesses!

The crazy thing is, you probably know what you need to do to grow your revenues. You know that if you could get more consistent sales, a faster sales-cycle, a more automated sales process and more help from your team with sales and marketing that you would be riding that beautiful wave to $3 million in annual revenue.

However, you don’t exactly have a “repeatable sales process” mapped out…
In fact, you might not even know where to begin.
There’s so much information out there telling you “You need to be on Twitter!” “You must be producing video content!”, or this or that, it’s so easy to get sucked into the shiny object syndrome.
The Profit Now Package helps you identify the best strategy to grow your profit.
Together we’ll determine exactly where your leads, sales and profits are falling into blackholes and map your sales process. Stop letting thousands of dollars get sucked into oblivion. Many businesses can substantially increase their revenues by focusing on one profit driver. Let’s figure out what that profit driver is for you!
The Profit Now Package provides vital life-skills to entrepreneurs. 
Once you start using this process, it’s easy to repeat in any kind of business you have now or in the future. If you want these benefits, the Profit Now Package is perfect for you:
  • Understand the fastest way to grow your revenues. 
  • Get a visual representation of your sales process so you can easily see how to measure and improve it.
  • Take the uncertainty out of your revenue-generation and become the confident, fun business owner you know you should be. 
  • Get more leads by taking better advantage of what’s working and improving the pieces that are not working so well.
  • Get your team onboard with a clear, visual, easy to communicate sales process.
  • Your growth facilitator, Ami Mariscal, will carry you through this process and support you with best practices that make sense for you, your company and your audience.

Ami’s Profit Now package gave me completely new insights into how I should be marketing my business. For her to personally deliver this much information for that price was truly appreciated. William Taylor FAIA, Director, Los Angeles Institute of Architecture and Design

Imagine what it will be like to have
consistent sales all year long!

The best part is, you go through this process with a team backing you.

I, Ami Mariscal, will be your Profit & Growth Facilitator. My team and I will do a bunch of work for you without you even being there. Of course, we’ll need your input, so we have a proprietary process to get as much information from you in as little time as possible.

I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours on business coaches, online courses, books and marketing consultants who claimed to help small business owners, only to find that they had no idea how to actually generate revenue in small businesses. Most of the marketing and sales help available is focused on specific tactics that may or may not work for your business. Before you hire them, it’s up to you, the business owner to figure out what works, and then hire someone to do the things that you know works for you. Or you could pay a marketing agency $5000 a month to do the experimenting for you, but I’m guessing that’s not really an option.

I spent years trying to figure out the best bang for your buck… What is something that all small businesses need in order to start making more money fast? All small businesses have a sales process, but almost no businesses actually use those processes to their advantage. So I have put together a proprietary process that makes it as quick as possible to figure out the lowest hanging fruit in your business and get you on track to take advantage of that!

I am a business owner too and I know how busy you are, so I make this as easy as possible for you. It’s more like spending a fun afternoon with a friend talking about your business and dreaming, than the laborious process you have been putting off since you first started your business
With warm wishes,
Ami Mariscal
Profit & Growth Facilitator

In less than a week you will know the fastest, best way to make more money in your business and have a sales process you can be proud of!
We help you accomplish 3 vital best practices regarding your current and future sales process:
  • Visualize. Just like a pilot needs their gauges clearly visible on the dashboard in front of them, your team needs to see these gauges and how they relate as well. Executives need to see the big picture and the details and how they relate to make wise decisions. Managers need to see where they are going and how to get there, and salespeople have to know what to measure and what goals to aim for.
  • Align. Get all elements of your sales process working as a system. Over-communicate with your team so they understand why they are doing things. This rewards them with autonomy, mastery and purpose so they stay with you longer and help you do more!
  • Strategize. Make a plan that moves you towards your vision and your purpose. Connect tactics and each key element of sales and marketing.
Check out what our client Kelsey Borlan Lee of The Brand Gals says about the Profit Now Package:
“Oh my gosh, you’re a genius at this stuff!”
Here’s what you get:
  • Core Business System Canvas tool
  • 1 hour in-person whiteboard session, phone call or video conference with Ami, yourself and any team members you want there.
  • Ami and her team will spend at least 1 hour behind-the-scenes reviewing over 364 potential tactics, researching, strategizing, ideating and mapping your sales funnel.
  • 1/2 hour live explanation of your visual map of your sales process and notes for moving forward.
  • 3-page Revenue-Growth Workbook (Optional)

Scale up your profit fast with your one-on-one 

Only $293 with a No-Risk Guarantee
Lift Your Business guarantees that you will love your Profit Now Package or we’ll
give you your money back.
-3136 -13Hours -39Minutes -33Seconds

I reward action takers. If you act within 2 hours of seeing this page the first time, I’ll add in these THREE BONUSES: 
  • A video recording explanation of your sales process so you can easily share it with your team. (Value $93)
  • A productivity & accountability followup-call with Ami Mariscal to make sure you continue to take the right actions. (Value $93)
  • Inclusion in the private Lift Your Business Facebook Group so you can get help with future sales funnel, copy and revenue-growth improvements! (Value $193/year)
P.S. – If you’re skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was, here is the summary  Ami Mariscal will personally help you get clear on the fastest path to revenue growth for your company AND you get a visual map of your sales process. That way you can measure your sales, improve them, communicate your process with your team, and generate more revenue!