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Best Books on Happiness – Positivity, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning & Achievement

by Ami Mariscal Last updated April 22, 2017 I’ve read these books and would be happy to answer questions you have about any of them via the comments below. I would also love to co-write blog posts for my blog, or write articles about them for other media orgs. If you’re interested write to me via my contact page 🙂 The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are Published on : 2010 by BrenĂ© Brown Rising Strong Published on : 2015 by BrenĂ© Brown Grit: The Power of Passion …

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You Don’t Have to Burn Out to Be Successful – Key Relationships to Put Your Business On Autopilot

You cannot scale up a business without building relationships. If your marketing system is a series of campaigns that work together to bring you leads and get more sales, then your prosperity system is a series of campaigns that also includes bringing you more relationships such as investors and team members. Here is a non-comprehensive list of some of the relationships you’ll want to build to scale up your business. Key Relationships to Scale Up Your Business – A Comprehensive List Clients / Buyers / Prospects  Users Payers Multi-sided Markets Internal Team  Interns An assistant Employees Outsourced Help   Accountant, …