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Pay Attention to Strengths for a Winning Company Culture – Including a Comprehensive List of Strengths

Business owners and small business managers can easily fall prey to thinking that hiring the right employees is the end of the job. They’ve done their due diligence, went through interviews, got a feel for potential new hires, checked references, and hired who the felt was right. So, that’s it, right? Wrong. Hiring employees, even great employees, is only the first step in the long and challenging process of creating a great small business team. Once you hire employees and they begin working for you and with you, then you really get a sense of who they are, how they …

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What Everybody Should Know About Efficient Marketing

Across multiple studies in almost any given year, the number one concern for most business owners is attracting new clients. Attracting new clients is also much more expensive than retaining customers, so it pays to know how to do it… Literally 🙂 The Benefits of Focusing on Your Top 20% Prospects There are two major benefits to focusing on your top 20% prospects that I describe in this YouTube video, which is queued-up at the perfect time to start watching via this link In the video I talk about two huge mistakes almost all businesses make which can be solved by …

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Don’t Let the Monsters Pull You Under – Create the Most Resilient Business Possible with Core Values

Revolutionize Your Business & Drive Leadership Mastery With Purpose & Values By Ami Mariscal Updated May 5, 2017 Written May 3, 2016 For thousands of years humans have been navigating the Earth using the stars. Though we are generally more in touch with our cell phones than compasses these days, most of us can still find the North Star. Thinking about your life’s purpose, or your current “why” as your North Star is a useful metaphor for so many good reasons I’m excited to share with you! And this metaphor serves as a fantastic framework for creating a business that …

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5 Ways to Increase Productivity and Business Growth by Employee Happiness

The vision of any entrepreneur is to establish a business that thrives. Ranked fourth among forty major regions across the U.S., Los Angeles is a hot bed for startup activity. However, indiscriminate of the duration a business has been in operation, it needs to have a strong and healthy work force. For this reason, successful businesses have organizational capability to support critical business objectives by: 1. Attracting and retaining talent through strong brand reputation Everyone enjoys identifying with good things; therefore, a good reputation should be of great concern. For strategies in building a brand, it is wise to engage …

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The Top 4 Business Growth Strategies for Small Businesses in 2016

What makes a business successful? This is something that I get asked all the time. This is the 2nd blog post in a series about business growth strategies for small business owners with big visions. In this blog post we’re sharing the top 4 business growth strategies for small business owners in 2016, but let’s quickly recap the biggest concerns and challenges SBOs face, because good business growth consulting addresses the biggest risks and often those come out as concerns. What are your top business growth challenges right now? In the 1st post of this series we talked about… The 4 Biggest …

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The 4 Biggest Growth Challenges Business Owners Face In 2017

I’m guessing that you want more profits and more time. These are two complicated problems to solve even for an expert marketing consultant or business consultant because each person has different things going on that cause the profit and time-related problems. Furthermore, over time the problems change with the ebb and flow of the economy, politics, and other factors. Of course… These problems are vital to solve for small business owners in particular. Because business owners set shining examples of how to manage time and create profit for their entire audience of thousands or millions, it’s important that we solve …