The Lead Generator Part 2 of Profitlandia
The Lead Generator is Part 2 of Profitlandia.

Profitlandia is a tool that’s played like a game to help small business owners scale up their profit smarter, faster & better. So the bonus of learning to play The Lead Generator is that you can use it for the rest of Profitlandia as well, woohoo!

One of our values at Lift Your Business is iterative development. As we evolve The Lead Generator we will keep this page updated. You will always be able to access the newest version here.

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Download the Physical Gameboard

Profitlandia_Gameboard_P2_The Lead Generator

You can spread it out on the office boardroom table, play it on a flight, or hang it on your vision room wall. This is the real life version played with a pen or pencil, perhaps some sticky notes and big brains.

Download the Online Worksheet

This is the best way to get started right now because you can simply duplicate the Google doc and go at it! You can also play this on a phone conference with a small group of people or one-on-one with your big-brained team member, or with a Prosperity and Happiness Producer from Lift Your Business like Ami Mariscal.

Profitlandia_P2 Worksheet_The Lead Generator


Here are the instructions for playing Profitlandia and by default, the Lead Generator.

Instructions_Playing Profitlandia Solo w Worksheet

Instructions_Play Profitlandia_Gameboard_Solo or Group

Instructions for a Mastermind-Style Group_Profitlandia_Shared