This is one of the best books I’ve read on culture, creativity, storytelling and God. Thank you Andy Crouch for creating such a beautiful, wise piece of work. Here are my favorite quotes from the book. – Ami Mariscal Ch 1 5:47 Which has developed an imposing apparatance “Terry Eagleton observes not re-assuringly that culture has been called the second most complicated word in the human language, after nature.” – Andy Crouch Ch 1 33 min Making sense of the world, interpreting it’s wonder and it’s terror is left up to human beings alone. So how do we make sense …
Give the Gift of Gratitude
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Grow Your Money Tree Digitally – Social Media Campaign System Map
Today, small businesses can capture the attention of Internet users and convert them into clients. This is achievable through social media campaigns. These are advertising efforts targeting particular types of Internet users. These advertising campaigns can be ran on social media platforms such as Facebook or Google Plus. Are you running a small business and seek to grow through online advertising? You can use the Grow your Money Digitally social media campaign advertising map. What is this Digital Marketing System about and what does it contain? Read on to discover more. What does this map contain? The map contains …
Best Books on Happiness – Positivity, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning & Achievement
by Ami Mariscal Last updated April 22, 2017 I’ve read these books and would be happy to answer questions you have about any of them via the comments below. I would also love to co-write blog posts for my blog, or write articles about them for other media orgs. If you’re interested write to me via my contact page 🙂 The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are Published on : 2010 by Brené Brown Rising Strong Published on : 2015 by Brené Brown Grit: The Power of Passion …