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Grow Your Money Tree Digitally – Social Media Campaign System Map

  Today, small businesses can capture the attention of Internet users and convert them into clients. This is achievable through social media campaigns. These are advertising efforts targeting particular types of Internet users. These advertising campaigns can be ran on social media platforms such as Facebook or Google Plus. Are you running a small business and seek to grow through online advertising? You can use the Grow your Money Digitally social media campaign advertising map. What is this Digital Marketing System about and what does it contain? Read on to discover more. What does this map contain? The map contains …

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Create a Waterfall of Money: Focus on Your Top 20% with the Prospect Segment Matrix

Whether it’s potential clients, customers, buyers, sponsors or investors… Accomplish your goals faster by focusing on the 20% that will bring you the majority of your revenue If you’re thinking, “But, I already know my market/segment/audience…” think again. Sometimes when you haven’t seen everything laid out in front of you, you miss opportunities or waste time with ideas that don’t end up holding their weight. If you’re looking to scale up your profit by improving lead generation, getting better business prospects, and systematizing your sales process, you absolutely cannot pass up The Prospect Segment Matrix. This tool was designed for business …

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Find the Best Business Coach or Marketing Consultant To Scale Up Your Profit in Your Small Business

Recently, my doctor told me that, on average it takes 5 visits to different psychiatrists before one finds the right match. Finding a psychiatrist is a great metaphor for finding someone to help you with business consulting, so with this article, I hope to help you avoid having to visit five different business consultants before you find the right one. Hopefully I can give you enough information, so you can narrow it down to one or two consultants to speak to on the quest to find the right one. Finding the Right Business Consultant for your Specific Needs We are …

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What Everybody Should Know About Efficient Marketing

Across multiple studies in almost any given year, the number one concern for most business owners is attracting new clients. Attracting new clients is also much more expensive than retaining customers, so it pays to know how to do it… Literally 🙂 The Benefits of Focusing on Your Top 20% Prospects There are two major benefits to focusing on your top 20% prospects that I describe in this YouTube video, which is queued-up at the perfect time to start watching via this link In the video I talk about two huge mistakes almost all businesses make which can be solved by …

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The Top 4 Business Growth Strategies for Small Businesses in 2016

What makes a business successful? This is something that I get asked all the time. This is the 2nd blog post in a series about business growth strategies for small business owners with big visions. In this blog post we’re sharing the top 4 business growth strategies for small business owners in 2016, but let’s quickly recap the biggest concerns and challenges SBOs face, because good business growth consulting addresses the biggest risks and often those come out as concerns. What are your top business growth challenges right now? In the 1st post of this series we talked about… The 4 Biggest …

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The 4 Biggest Growth Challenges Business Owners Face In 2017

I’m guessing that you want more profits and more time. These are two complicated problems to solve even for an expert marketing consultant or business consultant because each person has different things going on that cause the profit and time-related problems. Furthermore, over time the problems change with the ebb and flow of the economy, politics, and other factors. Of course… These problems are vital to solve for small business owners in particular. Because business owners set shining examples of how to manage time and create profit for their entire audience of thousands or millions, it’s important that we solve …